New design proposal for the regeneration of Lekki waterfront
The proposal, currently with the Lagos Council, is an energy and resource efficient 'mini eco-city', covering 59.61 hectares. 270 houses, some 1800 apartments, all supporting facilities and a marina are laid in accordance with a site specific urban and environmental code, with Central Park as its backbone.
The proposal takes an already reclaimed patch of land on the Lagoon and expands it in the direction of the prevailing winds, in the process creating elongated shorelines. For the first time it puts to use the most significant natural asset of Lagos; the Lagoon, as both its physical attraction as well as water based transport opportunity. The Lagoon will also be used for cooling through the use of reversible heat pumps.
The project’s key drivers were to model a development that is sustainable socially, environmentally and economically, that would incorporate mixed uses with active frontages, landmarks, vistas and focal points. The brief specified that the design should exhibit an alignment with the forces of nature, which was responded to by the inclusion of extensive planting and creation of bioactive land as part of infrastructure works.
Benefits of the proposal include the creation of recognisable places and legible connections, as well as coherent neighbourhoods with a local character of distinction. The architects have also incorporated fail-proof delivery strategies and mechanisms, with a view to the long term maintenance and protection of these principals and management of investment.
Studio Bednarski's larger infrastructure project also includes a 10.5 km long bridge with eight road lanes, two cycle lanes and a monorail, potentially connecting up to the new airport planned in Lekki. The bridge has been conceived as a symbolic structure; a green avenue snaking along the Lagoon with a row of palm tress along its whole length.