Located in the heart of Yaba, the massive re-development exercise that the Tejuosho market phase II is presently undergoing cannot be ignored. Geared at being a truly 21st Century market, a first in this part of the world, no stone is being left unturned at achieving this objective. Upon completion, the market will house 1,648 shops. The following will also be addressed by the market.
- Free flow of circulation within the market.
- Adequate airspace around the market
- Provision of on-ground and basement parking.
- Fire fighting installation and the location of Fire service station within the complex.
- Waste disposal system
- Security installation and police posts.
- Provision for appropriate and orderly facilities management of the market.
- Adequate toilet facilities per floor and public toilets.
- Provision of data services to all shop units.
- After-hours use of the basement for events and functions.
- Free flow of circulation within the market.
Going by the above, the new Tejuosho Ultra Modern Market promises to adequately meet the needs of the average buyer and seller in terms of functionality, accessibility, ease of navigation and aesthetics.
The new Tejuosho Market is the brand new landmark in the city, the pride of every Lagosian.